Well, once again it's Nuffnang to the rescue!!

They think that everyone has at least one book inside of them, and want to know what that book would be.
The kind of book I want to write is a kind of one-stop-shop for travel tips, flight attendant advice and insider info for those wanting to have an airline career as a flight attendant like me.
Obviously, in real life there would be certain restrictions on a book, but, here I'm going to give you my "money is no object" style of book. Yay!!!
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The book would have chapters covering topics like:
General Travel Tips
At the Airport (How to Navigate Security, How to Get An Upgrade, and similar)
Packing Tips/How to Pack Light (Tutorial & example lists)

How to Deal With Passengers From Hell
When Things Go Wrong (Saving Your Holiday, and Your Sanity!)
Tavelling With Kids
On the job-hunting side of things:

Brief Hstory Of Flight Attendants (With photos)

Pros & Cons of the Job
Flight Attendant Interviews (including example questions)
Interview Grooming/Makeup (Photos/Tutorials)
Online Stuff:
Best of the Best Twitter Tweets
my Crew People & Their Best Bits of Advice
Great Crew-Related Links & Resources
And of course, Frequently Asked Questions from my readers, Best of the Blog and some other new content.
If money were no object, I'd like to include a companion CD with things such as podcasts, photos, how-to video tutorials and games to help prospective crew prepare for their interviews.
As for the layout, I'd love to have the book cover printed with a range of illustations of flight attendants in different uniforms, so you could choose which one you like the best when you order the book. Kind of like a 'custom cover' :P The cover could be a boarding pass and there could be a cutout card 'plane' on a cord to use as a bookmark!
So, that's my idea for my book. While I might not be able to have this exact concept in my real book if I win, it's something I definitely aspire to one day in the future! Comments & thoughts??
I would most defenitly buy your book! Im 17 so i still have a couple years before i get to become an FA so your book will help me get there! =)
ReplyDeleteYour idea for a book sounds amazing! Would love to see a variety of funny stories and anecdotes in there as well of life in the sky.
ReplyDeleteLove the CD idea! Shouldn't be too hard to do actually, the challenge would be if there was any filming involved to hire out decend equipment! Can't really use a Sony bloggie if its going into mass circulation... hehe...
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog. But the ideas you have come up with to put in your book sounds like a book I would LOVE to read! So I'm signing up for a book. Totals, go hunt down some publishers girlfrieeend!
ReplyDeleteReader from Iceland