No one in my section of the plane spoke a word of English. Their tour guide was clueless also. I stood there holding a meal tray, helpless, smiling stupidly and wondering how on earth I was going to serve meals to these fifty or so people. (FYI, I am *not* one of those crew who just puts a meal in front of someone without telling them what it is- you just NEVER know with food allergies these days)
My feeble attempts at sign language only drew laughs from these passengers, and I couldn't for the life of me remember anything other than "hello" in their language.
So how to communicate what the meal choice for this #flight was..?

Ok so it's crude but it worked!
hey, whatever works...very clever! And I am sure they were very appreciative of your efforts!
ReplyDeleteThat is so cool! Glad it worked.
ReplyDeleteBottom line... fall back communication technique I learned from my then teenager... "Smile and Nod"
ReplyDeletelol...that's hysterical!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant idea! Would be good if the airlines picked up this idea actually put a little picture on the menu too for those who cant read the language.
ReplyDeleteThat is far more sophisticated than my actual pantomimes of the animal....